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강좌 개요

  • 타입 MOOC 강좌
  • 기간 상시 수강
  • 학습시간 자유롭게 학습
  • 수강 승인 방식 자동 승인
  • 수료증 미발급
좋아요 22 수강생 84

교수자 소개

  • UNIST 이경호 교수

    UNIST 디자인학과 교수 
    인간-컴퓨터 상호작용, 정보디자인, 인간중심 기계학습


  1. CHAPTER 1. Design of AI-Driven Products/Services
    1. #1-1 Foundation of Machine Intelligence
    1. #1-2 Foundation of Machine Intelligence
    1. #1-3 Foundation of Machine Intelligence
  2. CHAPTER 2. AI as a New Material for Design
    1. #2-1. AI as a New Material for Design
    1. #2-2 AI as a New Material for Design
    1. #2-3 AI as a New Material for Design
  3. CHAPTER 3. Design Thinking for AI-driven Products and Services
    1. #3-1 Design Thinking for AI-driven Products and Services
    1. #3-2 Design Thinking for AI-driven Products and Services
    1. #3-3 Design Thinking for AI-driven Products and Services
  4. CHAPTER 4. Human-Centered Machine Learning
    1. #4-1 Human-Centered Machine Learning
    1. #4-2 Human-Centered Machine Learning
    1. #4-3 Human-Centered Machine Learning
  5. CHAPTER 5 Sneak Peek-Text & Voice-based AI Products
    1. #5-1 Sneak Peek-Text & Voice-based AI Products
    1. #5-2 Sneak Peek-Text & Voice-based AI Products
    1. #5-3 Sneak Peek-Text & Voice-based AI Products
  6. CHAPTER 6. Sneak Peak-Redesigning Siri and multi-tasking features
    1. #6-1 Sneak Peak-Redesigning Siri and multi-tasking features
    1. #6-2 Sneak Peak-Redesigning Siri and multi-tasking features
    1. #6-3 Sneak Peak-Redesigning Siri and multi-tasking features
  7. CHAPTER 7. The Future Ahead Us
    1. #7-1 The Future Ahead Us
    1. #7-2 The Future Ahead US
    1. #7-3 The Future Ahead Us